Tagged: WordPress

ACF validate_value Filter With post_ID

Advanced Custom Forms Pro 5.0 is out, and it contains a major overhaul to the way that custom fields are handled. It also had a major impact on the way that third-party add-ons were...

Sort by Featured Image in WordPress

Featured Images on a WordPress page or post can make it easy to use a single image to represent the content of your page. Given that they look better, why not feature them at...

Using WP Better Emails with WooCommerce Email Templates

On one site that I run there are several different functions, primarily provided by disparate plugins with custom actions/filters, that send emails both to site administrators and customers. For most emails that are sent...

Prepare IN and NOT IN Statements in WordPress

Why should I use prepared statements? Using some type of prepared statement protects you against SQL injection attacks when you need to interact with the database using parameters passed in from the client side. Depending...

Disable WP-Cron in WordPress

What is WP-Cron? WP-Cron is the way that WordPress executes scheduled jobs that are added via wp_schedule_event() or one of its associated functions. First it’s a bit of a hack given the single threaded-ness...

Check For WordPress Plugin Updates

If you write and contribute plugins to the WordPress Repository then you might be interested in having your plugin be aware of updates you have made available – an admin notice or something similar....