Author: Justin Silver

NGINX Feature Flag Reverse Proxy

Use NGINX as a reverse proxy to different back-end servers based on feature-flags set in the ngx_http_auth_request_module add-on. In my implementation for Secret Party the subdomain is used to determine which event/party a Note...

Slither & Echidna + Remappings

While testing a project using hardhat and Echidna I was able to run all tests in the project with echidna-test . but was not able to run tests in a specific contract that imported...


UnsafeMath for Solidity 0.8.0+

UPDATE: Check out the @0xdoublesharp/unsafe-math module available on NPM for an easy to use, prepackaged, and tested version of this library! UnsafeMath is a Solidity library used to perform unchecked, or “unsafe”, math operations....

NFT Keyed Ephemeral Counterfactual Minimal Proxy Contracts

These example contracts demonstrate a gas effective way to deploy counterfactual contracts using CREATE2. Using minimal proxy instances that are destroyed between transactions is a secure way to isolate assets in a way that...

NFT – Mint Random Token ID

The perceived value of many NFTs is based on that item’s rarity making it ideal to mint them fairly. Rarity snipers and bad actors on a team can scoop up rare items from a...

Provable Randomness with VDF

A Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) is a linearly computed function that takes a relatively long time to calculate, however the resulting proof can be verified to be the result of this computation in a...