Tagged: Jenkins

Wildcard SSL Certs: Let’s Encrypt & Cloudflare

My servers have been using free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for some time now, but I was really excited to hear about support for wildcard SSL certificates in 2018. Wildcards are now available thus...

Github + Multiple Repository SSH Deploy Keys

I use Jenkins for CD/CI, but was running into the issue of deleted files not being removed from the target server. My solution to this issue was to only use Jenkins to generate the...

Install Jenkins as a Service on CentOS 7

I have previously written about how to Install Jenkins on CentOS as a Service where it was necessary to write your own startup, shutdown, configuration, and init.d scripts. Luckily this is all much easier...

Install Jenkins on CentOS as a Service

Updated post: Yum Install Jenkins as a Service on CentOS 7. You probably want to do it this way, it’s much easier. Just saying. This guide describes how to install Jenkins on your CentOS...