Category: WordPress

Creating AJAX Functions in WordPress

AJAX Action Hooks Adding an AJAX callback to WordPress 2.8+ is pretty simple – you just need to hook in the wp_ajax_(action) action for admin callbacks, and the wp_ajax_nopriv_(action) action for front-end callbacks. One...

Google Analytics for WordPress Fixed

“Unfortunately, an error occurred while connecting to Google” Google Analytics for WordPress is a great plugin by Yoast to make adding Analytics tracking to your WordPress site easy. All was well until Google updated...

WordPress Plugin: Custom Functions.php

One of the limitations of adding code to your theme’s function.php file is that these modifications are lost if you change themes, and another is that it is executed after your plugin files are...

Activate WP SlimStat Dashboard Widgets in WordPress Multisite

If you have WordPress Multisite installed and the WP SlimStat plugin activated network wide, the optional WP SlimStat Dashboard widgets won’t be available to you. The problem is that the dashboard widgets file is...

WordPress Plugin: validated-field-for-acf

This plugin will create an add-on field wrapper for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF in the WordPress Plugin Repository) that will give you additional validation functionality – PHP functions, regular expression, input field masking, and...

Remote Content Shortcode

Note: This plugin is now part of the WordPress Plugin Repository as Remote Content Shortcode. The Remote Content Shortcode plugin will enable a shortcode to display remote content embedded into a post or page....